Veterinary Instrument Kits

Veterinary instrument kits are comprehensive sets of tools designed to address a variety of medical and surgical needs in animal care. These kits include essential instruments tailored to specific procedures like spaying, neutering, and wound management. They ensure that veterinarians have all necessary tools readily available, promoting efficient, precise, and sterile procedures. Veterinary instrument kits are crucial for providing high-quality care, enabling veterinarians to perform a wide range of treatments and surgeries effectively. Veterinary instrument kits manufactured from 420 stainless steel at Surgical Holdings Veterinary. We know how confusing it can be when ordering new veterinary instruments, often veterinarians will have their own preferences. To help out, we have compiled some veterinary instrument kits, which from our experience include the most commonly used instruments. We strive to supply the highest quality veterinary instrument kits at a reasonable price.

Bitch Spaying KitView
Bitch Spaying Kit
Bitch Spaying Kit
Canine Castration KitView
Canine Castration Kit
Canine Castration Kit
Feline Spay KitsView
Feline Spay Kits
Feline Spay Kits
Surgical SetsView
Surgical Sets
Surgical Sets